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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hapy BDAY interwebz!@#$ Free Conf, SecureTwitter, and Blackberry eavesdropping fun++

The phone number i am about to post is from "" we used to goto the site and setup a free conf, which in turn would give us a number and a PIN#. After using it a few times we realized that *every* PIN works *all* the time and they each lead to a different room. The 66666 is just the one we use. * after the pin gives you admin rights and # is normal.

7124321402 66666* <-- your halloween gift! dont wear it out.

ubuntu 9.10 was released a couple of days back and here is the link(ubuntu download page).

to all my anti-ubuntu homies, dont h8, flatulate!

I am skeptical of large anti-virus/malware companies, but Kaspersky and Finjan have released some nifty tools to fight malicious links on social networking sites.

"The company is scanning nearly 500,000 new unique URLs that appear in Twitter posts daily, he said. Of those, anywhere between 100 and 1,000 are malware attacks. Twitter has also been targeted by the Koobface virus which posts malicious links from infected users' accounts."

^ a respectable endeavor in my honest opinion, so check out the article at least.

and even better here is a link at CNET for the free finjan browser plugin dubbed SecureTwitter!


I saw an article about a month ago about blackberrys being prone to attacks through freely available software that is laced with trojans/malware. Not a big suprise, but this is next bit of news is quite amusing.

BLACKBERRY USERS are being warned that a freely available spyware program will turn their crackberry into a listening device.

The application is called Phonesnoop and allows remote users to listen in on a Blackberry user's surroundings. The spyware app uses standard Blackberry APIs to intercept incoming calls. Once the software is installed, a call from a trigger phone number will activate the listening feature through the phone's built-in speakerphone feature to listen to everything that's going on around the phone."

link to article

and last but not least HAPPY BIRTHDAY INTERNETZ!@#$%

On Oct. 29, 1969, First Message Sent Between Two Locations

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